good, but still need work
Ok, were should i begin?
1)Graphic - the graphics were good, but you realy could trase those pixel pix. the attacks weren't as good as i expected. Ow, nice work at the character selection BG! the animation could be better (there's allmost none).
2)Style - that was good. the only thing that bothers me is that there was too many custom enemies. MMBN has a loat of characters to select of. there could be an adventure mode in there full version. and after passing the storu mode, you would winn new characters. or if you pass losing many HP, you get nOObman =).
3) Sound. that was your weak spot - the sound wass pretty bad. you could make a pre-lissening to the battle BGM. and the music at the battle entering was like wrom a dying P.C. you could use the same one, only the original one, not the sow called remix. the SFX were good.
4) Violence. I wasn't expecting bloodsplashes, but at least flashing left when hit! you could add an animated hp loss like a vanishing and flying away "-25".
5) Interactivity. You have too many HP at the game event if you lower it maximum. I't boring to fight someone for 15 minutes!
or make more HP tooked away when attacked! the power-ups where baddly drawn, and you have to change the pick up system. they should be piced up with attacks. and the super attacks werent so super. they souldn't be 5 super attacks which take a 25 hp damage and be used only when your HP is lower than 100!
try making your superattack slowly charging when the ball is yours (same type as yours).
6) Humor. There was no humor here (exept noobman=)!)bot it's not nessesary. it would be better if you'd have some jokes it the story mode (if u'll make it off source).
Overall the game wass pretty good. keep up the good work